Friday, January 15, 2010

Soft toys

monkey mikky dog rabibit teddy

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Cloth painting

Cloth Painting itself suggests that a painting on cloth.By learning cloth painting ,we can Paint our saries, bedsheets, curtains, Pillow covers etc.Cloth Painting styles and techniques vary across India as vibrant colors and themes come alive the most artistic reflections of India painted on cloth.
We can't use oil paints or any other kind of Paints exept fabric paints and pearl colored paints.The Painting on cloth takes nearly 20 minutes to get dry.But while painting on cloth we should be more careful so that other paints wont stick on your cloth so that it look good and even you should paint with neat hand.While painting there should not be any disturbance around you so that you can paint peacefully with good finshing.


GlassPainting is something completely different craft. GlassPainting should be prepared so carefully as it is glass.So that it look more beautiful and gives good decoration our home,office,or shop a pleasant look.Glass Painting should be done with more concentration and more enthusiasm.GlassPainting is stunning stunning form of art practice by many of our Indian arts.The Indian GlassPAinters cover a variety of subjects and themes. GlassPainting should be done with clean hand and with different kinds of paint brushes.While painting on glass,Glass should be handled more carefully so that glass would not get any kind of damage.After preparing the GlassPainting ,we need to handle with care and place the Glasspainting in a safe place so that GlassPainting would not get disturded and get damaged or breaked.So we should look of the GlassPainting so preciously as we took more pains and care adn creativity.Handling a Glass is not a smallthing.

Nib Painting

NibPainting as the name suggests painting using nib as the nib in the ink pen.Nib painting is a amazing craft.IF you look at it , you can find it is nib work as it looks as if you have stitched with threads.This Nib Painting should be done so carefully with out any hand shake and even more creativity is required that is where the stricks are required and how it look.Mostly nib painings are done with oil paints only.
The above pictures are prepared with different kinds of Nibs so that we can get differents kinds of Nib paintings according to the art.This are is bit tough than sand need to be more sturdy and careful and confident. For Nib paintings oil paints are mostly used but fabric others kinds of colors are not much comfortable to prepare the Nib painting pictures.
Actually painting is depends on creativity and perfection.Especially nib painting, We should be careful at shades and sticks.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


SandPainting is so much fun and can be done without spending all money on kits that offer a little for alot.All we you need to do is , to be sturdy to paint on.Actually sand painting a old art form where sand is used instead of paint to create designs and still used today also.Sand painting is a very easy craft to do among remaing paintings.With the revival of interest in craft,we found that sandpainting skills are developed in france, north africa and Isle of the buyer is prepared to pay a reasonable price for a work of art worthy of craft persons time and artistic effort and with modern methods and materials some outstanding standard are being acheived.
We can even do sand painting with colored sand. Previously sand painting is done and prayed as a holy of god. But now it is used for decoration , it may be your house ,office,shop any place.Sand Painting is also known as dry painting.